What You Get By Enrolling 

Tips is recommanded for a group sharing as follows:
Guide $20/guide/day
Cook $15/day
Porter $10/porter/day

Mountaineering guides speak English.

Beginning in Moshi.

Finale: Moshi.

Route details: The Rongai Route starts in a lonely point on Kilimanjaro’s northern flank, close to the Kenyan border. We trek through a genuine wilderness area in the direction of the craggy Mawenzi Peak, traverse a desolate desert saddle, and then climb the eastern crater wall of Kibos. People with little to no prior backpacking experience choose the Rongai route since it is a more gradual ascent, but it is as fun for even the most picturesque path where you may view wild animals.

Day 0: Touchdown in Tanzania

You will be met by your guide, who will give you a briefing on your forthcoming trip and check your equipment to make sure you have all the appropriate mountain gear, when you are picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and taken to your hotel in Moshi town. On this day, the missing equipment can be rented. No meals are included.

Day 1: Rongai Simba Camp (2,600 m)

The porters and guides will be ready to return to the car drive to Rongai gate after completing the necessary registration formalities at the Marangu National Park gate. The climb begins at Nale Moru (1,950 m) on a small path that winds through maize and potato fields before entering pine forest. Climbs steadily but gently through beautiful forest that is home to a variety of wildlife, including the beautiful Kilimanjaro Colobus monkey. These monkeys are black with long white hair and a white tail that flows. The forest begins to thin out, and the first camp, Rongai One Camp (2,600 m), is on the outskirts of the moorland zone, with expansive views of the Kenyan plains.

Day 2: Kikelewa Caves (3.600 m)

We now leave the main trail and take a smaller path across the moorland towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi. Our campsite is located near Kikelewa Caves in a sheltered valley with giant senecios (3.600 m). After lunch, you can explore the valley or relax.

Day 3: Mawenzi Tarn hut (4,330m)

A short but steep climb rewards you with spectacular all-around views and a tangible sense of wilderness. We leave the vegetation behind shortly before arriving at the next camp, Mawenzi Tarn hut (4,330m), which is spectacularly located in a cirque directly beneath Mawenzi’s towering spires. As part of the acclimatisation process, the afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area.

Day 4: Kibo campsite (4,700m)

We cross the lunar desert of the ‘Saddle’ between Mawenzi and Kibo to arrive at the Kibo campsite (4,700m) at the base of the Kibo crater wall. Other hikers from the Marangu route will be staying in the hut with you. The rest of the day is spent resting up for the final ascent before a very early night.

Day 5: Horombo Hut (3,720 m)

Around 1 a.m., we will begin the final, and by far the steepest and most difficult, section of the climb by torchlight. We plod slowly in the dark on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to the crater rim at Gillmans Point (5,685 m), where we will rest for a short time to watch the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still in good enough shape can continue on to the next two peaks, Stella Point and Uhuru Peak (5,896 m), passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that surround the majority of the summit area. The descent to Kibo (4,700 m) is surprisingly quick, and after refuelling with hot soup and juice, we continue the descent to our final campsite at Horombo (3,720 m).

Day 6: National Park gate at Marangu (1,830 m)

After breakfast, you will celebrate with your team for Kilimanjaro song, jambo song, and descent through moorland to Mandara Hut (2,700m), the first stopping place on the Marangu route. We continue downhill on a good path through lovely lush forest to the National Park gate at Marangu (1,830 m).

Price Exclude

>>Lunches, dinners and drinks at your hotel before and after climb.
>>Travel insurance
>>Laundry (Available at hotel).
>>Personal items and toiletries.
>>Tips for guides, porters and cook (this is a guide to tipping on the mountain.