What You Get By Enrolling 

Tips is recommanded for a group sharing as follows:
Guide $20/guide/day
Cook $15/day
Porter $10/porter/day

Mountaineering guides speak English.

Beginning in Moshi.

Finale: Moshi.

Route details: Lemosho trail on Kilimanjaro is often one of the less travelled and calmer routes on the mountain. In terms of the natural systems and landscapes it travels through, it is also the newest and arguably the most diverse. This route takes you through a lush rainforest for the first two days before emerging into heath and moorland. On the third day, you’ll connect with the Machame Route. On the western side of Kilimanjaro, a narrow trail begins. It has some very steep and undulating sections. Arrival day from Moshi to Kilimanjaro airport

Day 0: Touchdown in Tanzania

You will be met by your guide, who will give you a briefing on your forthcoming trip and check your equipment to make sure you have all the appropriate mountain gear, when you are picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and taken to your hotel in Moshi town. On this day, the missing equipment can be rented. No meals are included.

Day 1: Pre-Climb Orientation [optional if time allows]

Today is a rest day, so you’ll have plenty of time to relax, pack, and recover from your long journey. Late in the afternoon, African Traces guides will meet you for a brief climbing orientation. You will be given a climb briefing and will be able to ask any questions you may have. The guide will also inspect your equipment to ensure that you are fully prepared. You may also choose to do a short walk in town with your guides later today, as well as a cultural tour and waterfall.

Day 2: Montane Forest

After breakfast at your Moshi hotel, you will drive for about four and a half hours to the Kilimanjaro National Park’s Londorosi gate. You must check in and register at the gate before meeting the rest of the climbing crew, which includes assistant guides and porters. Today you will trek to the first camp BIG TREE for dinner and overnight, which will take about 3-4 hours through the undisturbed forest. On our hike to Big Tree, we may be able to see Colobus monkeys, elephants, buffaloes, and other forest wildlife.

Day 3: Shira Plateau West Side

This day, you will take your time hiking through the forest, where you will have the opportunity to see a variety of game and bird life. The trail ascends through the Montane Forest and Hagenia Forest zones. You’ll be able to see the distinct environmental differences that distinguish these equatorial zones.

Day 4: Shira Plateau East Side

Take your hike today, which will last about 4 hours and will take you across the Shira Plateau, a World Heritage Site, and another hour up the western slope of the Kibo. Spend some time exploring the plateau before heading to your picnic lunch, which will be served hot in the camp. After lunch, you will have some time to rest before beginning the 3-hour acclimatisation walk to the lava tower. Your camp will be located in the upper heath and moorland zone, directly across from the Western Breach. Shira 2’s dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Lava Tower

After breakfast, you will embark on a 6-hour hike to your overnight camp just beneath Lava Tower, a 300-foot-high volcanic lava plug that protrudes from the mountainside. After lunch, climb to the top of Lava Tower to take in the scenery of the surrounding areas before returning to the camp before dinner. This will improve your performance by allowing you to acclimatise high on top of the tower. This will be your first introduction to the alpine zone, with only the toughest grasses and lichens for company. You will enjoy a spectacular view of your final ascent route up the Western Breach wall and the Breach Icicle.

Day 6: Arrow Glacier

Enjoy the full view of the Western Breach ascent route as you trek for 3 hours to the route’s base, where you will camp near Arrow Glacier. Today will be spent mostly resting and conserving strength, but there will also be an afternoon hike partway up the climbing ascent route. This is intended to get you to higher elevations for better acclimatisation and to familiarise you with the start of the longest hiking day of the entire trip.

Day 7: Summit Crater Camp

Today is an exciting day as you wind your way up the Western Breach. It will take about 5 -6 hours before reaching crater rim of the main Kilimanjaro summit massif. After the hike you still have the energy, [options you can climb to the summit and walk back to the crater for dinner and overnight] or you can explore the inner crater and the ash pit before moving to your highest camp on the crater floor. This spectacular high camp is next to the Furtwangler Glaciers, with stunning views westward towards Mount Meru and the setting African sun. The high altitude of crater camp makes it a physically demanding experience, but the payoff is a breathtaking view of towering glaciers rising from harsh rock landscapes.

Day 8: Summit Day and Mweka Camp

You will begin your final ascent to the summit (5895 Mt) early enough in the morning to arrive at the summit by 9:00 a.m. This final 800-foot ascent can be completed after sunrise and a leisurely breakfast, or just early enough to arrive at the summit during sunrise. This is in stark contrast to the 3,000-foot ascent required by all other Kilimanjaro ascent routes. Enjoy the sights of the summit crater glaciers and standing on Africa’s highest peak. After admiring the view from Uhuru Peak, start the long descent through Barafu Hut to your final camp near Mweka Hut.

Day 9: Mweka Camp To Mweka Gate

Descend further down the trail, which will take you 4 to 5 hours to reach the park gate. At the gate, your Kilimanjaro crew will cheer you on as you check out and receive your Kilimanjaro Climbing certificate to confirm your success. We will then eat our lunch and say goodbye to your crow, who will be singing some of the traditional songs. Drive through beautiful coffee plantations and small Chagga villages back to your hotel in Moshi for a nice hot shower or swimming at the lodge and relax before departing or going on safari the next day.

Price Exclude

>>Lunches, dinners and drinks at your hotel before and after climb.
>>Travel insurance
>>Laundry (Available at hotel).
>>Personal items and toiletries.
>>Tips for guides, porters and cook (this is a guide to tipping on the mountain.