What You Get By Enrolling 

Tips is recommanded for a group sharing as follows:
Guide $20/guide/day
Cook $15/day
Porter $10/porter/day

Mountaineering guides speak English.

Beginning in Moshi.

Finale: Moshi.

Route details: The next-highest mountain is called Meru. Although completely eclipsed by Kilimanjaro in the minds of hikers, this magnificent volcanic cone is East Africa’s most scenic and gratifying climb because it requires dramatic and exhilarating walking along the crater’s razor edge. At about 2000 metres, Mountain Meru begins its rapid ascent from a 20 km wide circular base. At about 2500 metres, portion of the mountain’s wall has crumbled away, giving the upper half of the mountain the appearance of a massive horseshoe. Within the crater, a recent volcanic eruption generated a secondary peak known as the Ash cone, which adds to the natural beauty. The cliffs of the inner well below the top are among the tallest in Africa at more than 1500 metres high.

Day 0: Touchdown in Tanzania

You will be met by your guide, who will give you a briefing on your forthcoming trip and check your equipment to make sure you have all the appropriate mountain gear, when you are picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and taken to your hotel in Moshi town. On this day, the missing equipment can be rented. No meals are included.

Day 1: Momella gate (1500m) to Miriakamba (2500m)

The first night is spent by visitors at Miriakamba, which is located at a distance of 2500 metres from the Momella gate. From Momella gate to Miriakamba hut, it takes around 5 hours to walk via the southern road. Visitors have an opportunity to witness nearly every type of forest mammal along this route. Consequently, a variety of birds, including raptors, are visible. Numerous butterfly species, including the Mocker Swallow-tailed, Soldier Commodores, Blue Swallow-tailed, Golden-winged Forester, Mother of Pearl, and others, may be seen.

Northern route: It takes 3–4 hours to get reach Miriakamba from Momella Gate. This route is steeper and shorter. You may enjoy amazing views of Momella Lakes and Mount Kilimanjaro along the journey. Cape buffalo are a common mammal along this route. Giraffe, Warthog, Bushbuck, etc. are Maasai animals. Hartlaub’s turaco, white-fronted Bee Eaters, fiscal shrike, tropical Boubou, stone chat, varied sunbirds, and olive pigeon are among the birds that are now present. Miriakamba hut: dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Miriakamba to Saddle (2500mt) to (3500mt)

3–4 hours are required. Visitors can enjoy the breathtaking views of Mount Kilimanjaro along this section of the trip. Lakes Momella. The Little Meru, Mount Meru, Ashcone, and the cliffs of Mount Meru. amidst the forest. Buffalo, Bushbuck, and black-and-white Colobus are typical animals. Attractive wild flowers like lilies, orchids, fireballs, orchids, and empetent species. Erica arboreas, Stoebe Kilimandscharica, and others are shrubs. Visitors to the trail pass through eye-catching tree species as Hygenium abyssinica and podacarpus. You will reach here at noon, eat lunch, and then begin your ascent of Little Meru, which is achievable even in the late afternoon. You will return to Saddle for dinner and the night after visiting Meru.

Day 3: Saddle to Summit

It takes around 5 to 6 hours. Early in the morning is when the Summit officially kicks off. Visitors may have the best views of Mt. Kilimanjaro Little Meru, Meru Crater, and Achcone here. Momella Lakes, Cliff, and the summit of Meru Ngorongoro crater highlands, sunrise, and sunset in Arusha city Over rocks, klipspringers and mountain reedbucks can be spotted. In these higher altitudes, you can witness birds like white-necked ravens, bearded vultures, stonechats, cliffchats, and Alpine swifts. It’s possible to step on iris and alchemilla helocysum flowers when strolling along the trail to Saddle. After arriving at the summit at 4566 metres above sea level, you will proceed all the way back to the saddle for lunch and a short nap before proceeding to the Miriakamba for supper and an overnight stay.

Day 4: Miriakamba to Momella gate

Those that hiked the shorter path up will take the longer route down, which is not recommended. Please take your time to bask in the beautiful splendour and the sporadic game sightings. Drive back to your hotel for a shower and some downtime before your next ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro or safari to the Serengeti or Ngorongoro Crater. Your porters and transfer vehicle will be waiting for you at the gate.
The Shalom Trekking Adventure driver will take you to the airport at the conclusion of the safari so that you can catch your flight home, climb Mount Kilimanjaro, or continue on a safari.

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 Our first focus is to satisfy the needs of our clients. To ensure that our tourists have an amazing time in this stunning nation, we charge fair prices for our services. For people travelling alone, in families, or in groups, our hiking and safari excursion offers a unique experience.