3 Days : Tarangire, Ngorongoro & Manyara

What You Get By Enrolling 

Destination(s): Tarangire, Ngorongoro & Manyara

Tour guides speak English.

Beginning in Moshi.

Finale: Moshi.

Safari details: During your Tanzania safari, you’ll begin in Tarangire National Park, home to sizable elephant herds and majestic baobab trees, before moving on to Lake Manyara National Park, which is close to the Great Rift Valley and offers a variety of landscapes, as well as the stunning Ngorongoro Crater, a world-heritage site and a collapsed volcanic caldera teeming with wild animals.

Day 0: Touchdown in Tanzania

You will be picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and taken to your hotel in Moshi town.  No meals are included.

Day 1: Drive Arusha town to Tarangire National Park

We’ll pick you up early in the day. Go southwest in the direction of Tarangire National Park. The park’s diverse environments include grasslands, acacia woodlands, and forests, and it is particularly well-known for the vast herds of elephants and other animals that congregate by the river and in the swamps. Swarms of yellow-breasted lovebirds, as well as kudus, buffaloes, giraffes, zebras, and impalas, are among the animals present. While wild dogs are uncommon, predators like lions, leopards, and hyenas are common. You will depart the park in the late afternoon and travel to Manyara mto wa mbu adjacent campsite, FAKANA, where you will camp out for the night.

Day 2: Driver into Ngorongoro Crater

Having a leisurely breakfast at the campsite before travelling for 45 minutes to the Ngorongoro Gate, where you can see the entire crater, takes only 20 minutes. Drive into the crater floor by descending a rocky route. The majority of the animal species present in the East African savannah live in its grass plains and acacia forest. You might see all five of the “Big Five”—the lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, and leopard—in just a few short hours. You will depart the Ngorongoro Conservation Area following a lengthy wildlife drive and a picnic lunch inside the crater and travel to Mto wa Mbu, where you will spend the night in tents at FANAKA camping.

Day 3: Drive to Lake Manyara National Park

After breakfast at your camp, you will drive via Mto wa Mbu town to Lake Manyara National Park for half day game drive .Lake Manyara national park with its shallow alkaline lake stretches along the base of the Rift Valley wall. Lake Manyara attracts thousands of birds, including huge flocks and flamingos both species. Other animals in the park include buffaloes, elephants, hippos and Masai giraffes as well as troops of boisterous baboons and monkeys in the forest.The park once became famous for tree climbing lions and if you are lucky to spot them you will be amazing by the site of these animals lounging on branches in the acacia trees. After a game drive you will have lunch inside the park the drive back to Arusha or Moshi.

 End of the safari the Shalom Trekking Adventure driver will take you to the airport for your flight back home / or option for climbing mountain Kilimanjaro or day tour or volunteer with us.

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 Our first focus is to satisfy the needs of our clients. To ensure that our tourists have an amazing time in this stunning nation, we charge fair prices for our services. For people travelling alone, in families, or in groups, our hiking and safari excursion offers a unique experience.